Art Enables is a fabulous organization in Washington, DC that provides studio space to "emerging artists with developmental disabilities." They host art events, sell paintings and other art by their artists and partner with local schools for high school students to help out at the studio. They also provide much needed, free space to community organizations such as Rhode Island Avenue Mainstreet, another local organization working to bring back the vibrance of their shared neighborhood. You can also purchase the art online, with a 60% commission for the artists.

This watercolor by Max Pozernan, titled Best Burger Ever, would be super cute in a kid's room
Why does it appeal to me?
I was going over what kind of organizations I've donated to and couldn't believe I hadn't given to an arts organization, given how important art is to me and how often we attend art events. I got the chance to see the space and attend some meetings at Art Enables, as well as meet some artists and view the awesome artwork. It's a wonderful, simple, bright space where the art is the focus. If you are in DC, you should stop by or attend one of their fun gallery openings and events. If you're not, check out this article on 17 art studios for adults with developmental disabilities.
Want to learn more?
To learn more, click here.
To donate, click here.
To purchase art, cards, mugs or calendars from Art Enables, visit here.
Post Script
My sister Emily suggested I donate to a film festival, which I thought was a cool idea. But I have this aversion to donating to organizations that then turn around and charge money for their events. I did a quick search for free film festivals (run by a 501c3) and didn't find any. Do you do the same thing when you donate? These organizations do need support and I wonder if I'm being silly.
Follow along with my challenge here on the blog or on Twitter with the hash tag #30daysofcharity. Keep an eye out for a wrap up post on February 1.
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